Innovative - Healthy - All Natural


Sparky on the Spot

How do you maintain the Sparky on the Spot?

Is it suitable for indoor use?

Can older dogs be trained to use it?

Can it be left outdoors in extreme weather?

Do I need to use a specific type of dog pad?

Is there a dog weight restriction?

Sparky on the Spot - Disposable

How do you set up the Disposable Potty?

Can the Disposable Potty be used outdoors?

How do you maintain the Disposable Potty?

How do you clean up solid waste?

How long will the Disposable Potty last?

How do you dispose of The Sparky on the Spot – Disposable?

How do you dispose of The Sparky on 
the Spot – Disposable?

Is it suitable for dogs of all ages?

ANTLER CHEWS - The Ultimate Antler Dog ChewTM

Are any animals harmed to collect their antlers?

Are any animals harmed to collect 
their antlers?

Where do our antlers comes from?

How are the antlers managed after they are shed?

How are the antlers managed after 
they are shed?

Are there any chemicals used in the cleaning process?

Are there any chemicals used in the 
cleaning process?

How long do they last?

Are antlers recommended for dogs with sensitive stomachs?

Are antlers recommended for dogs 
with sensitive stomachs?

Is there any nutritional value in antlers?

Will antlers clean my dog’s teeth?

Do antlers chip like a bone?

What is the difference between a Whole Antler & Split Antler?

What is the difference between a 
Whole Antler & Split Antler?

How do you know when it time to throw away the antler?

How do you know when it time to 
throw away the antler?

What size Antler is best for my dog?

Safe Chewing Hints

Copyright 2021 © Urban Dog Products Inc. 
101 Pretty River Pkwy. S. Unit #3 | Collingwood, ON  L9Y 4M8 | 705.293.0113


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